Applying antipassback to areas - Security Center 5.12

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.12

Security Center
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Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

After you created a secured area and configured at least one perimeter door, you can apply antipassback to prevent cardholders from entering areas they have not yet exited, and vice versa.

Before you begin

Create and configure a secured area to apply the antipassback restriction to.

What you should know

An area enabled with antipassback must be controlled by a single unit. If the area is not controlled by a single unit, the following criteria must be met in order to apply antipassback.
  • All units controlling the doors within the area are Synergis™ units.
  • All units controlling the area are managed by the same Access Manager role.
  • Global antipassback is enabled on the Access Manager role.

Limitations: For areas controlled by HID units, the antipassback logic is only applied to perimeter doors, not to captive doors.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the Area view task.
  2. Select the secured area, and click the Advanced tab.
  3. Turn on the Antipassback option.
  4. If the doors are controlled by an HID unit, turn off the Interlock option.
  5. Set the following:
    Select Always if you want antipassback to be applied at all times.
    Type of antipassback to apply.
    Soft antipassback only logs the passback events in the database. It does not restrict the door from being unlocked due to the passback event.
    Hard antipassback logs the passback event in the database and prevents the door from being unlocked due to the passback event.
    Presence timeout
    Set how many minutes a cardholder’s presence in the area is remembered for the purpose of passback detection (not used for counting people). Past that period, a cardholder who never left the area can re-enter without triggering a passback event. The default value of zero (0) minutes means that a cardholder's presence never times out.
    NOTE: When global antipassback is enabled, the presence of a cardholder in an area is forgotten after seven days if no entry or exit from this area is reported for that cardholder during that period. This means that cardholders can re-enter an area that they never left, or leave an area they never entered, without triggering a passback event if no movement was registered for these cardholders on that area for seven days. This applies even if the Presence timeout is set to infinite (=0).
    Turn on this option to generate passback events for both types of access violations: when cardholders try to re-enter an area that they never left, and when cardholders try to exit an area that they never entered. Otherwise, the default is turn it off and antipassback logic is only verified on area entrances, and passback events are only generated when cardholders try to re-enter an area that they never left.
    Best Practice: If you choose to enable strict and hard antipassback on an area that is not controlled with turnstiles or similar devices that only allow one person through at a time, grant the Forgive antipassback violation privilege to the operators responsible for monitoring this area.
    NOTE: With strict antipassback turned off, you can have Card-In/REX-out perimeter doors, but the Presence timeout parameter must be configured (> 0). With strict antipassback turned on, all perimeter doors must be configured as Card-In/Card-Out, Presence timeout must be set to infinite (= 0), and no REX can be configured.
  6. Click Apply.