You must configure the attributes of a hotlist or permit in Security Center the way it
is written in its source text file, so Genetec Patroller™ can parse the information in the
What you should know
Hotlist text files must include the PlateNumber field (attribute). This field
cannot be deleted.
Permit text files must include the PlateNumber field and the Category
field (attributes). These fields cannot be deleted.
There cannot be any spaces within an attribute name.
If you add more attributes to a hotlist, they are automatically added
as annotation fields when a hit occurs for the hotlist. For more information on annotation
fields, see Adding user custom fields to license plate reads and hits.
From the Config Tool homepage, do one of
the following:
If you are configuring attributes from the Creating a hotlist
or Creating a permit wizard, skip ahead to Step 3.
Click ALPR > Permits, and select the permit to configure.
Click ALPR > Hotlists, and select the hotlist to configure.
Click the Properties tab.
Under the Attributes section, do one of the following:
To configure a default attribute, select it in the list, and click Edit
the item ().
To add a new attribute, click Add an item ().
If you are adding a new attribute, type a Name for the
The name can contain spaces.
If you want to use a default value for the field, type in the
Value option.
The default value is interpreted differently depending on whether delimiters are used
or not.
If delimiters are used and you add a default value for this field, the populated
field in the source file is overwritten.
If delimiters are not used and the field is empty in the source file, the default
value you add here is used for the field. However, if the field is populated in the
source file, it will not be overwritten.
If you are adding a new attribute and it is mandatory in the source file, turn on the
Is mandatory option.
If you add a mandatory attribute called CarColor, the column for
CarColor in the source file must have text in it.
NOTE: If you make ExpiryDate a mandatory attribute for a hotlist, you can also set
the Expires after duration, which limits the expiry date that can
be set for plates in the hotlist. For example, if you set the hotlist Expires
after setting to 10 days, it means you cannot add a license plate that expires in
more than 10 days.
Ensure that the expiration dates for individual hotlist entries do not exceed the
Expires after duration set for the hotlist.
The system only verifies the Expires after duration if the plate is entered
manually in the Hotlist and permit editor task. No verification is performed
if the file on disk is changed by another process.
If you do not want to limit the expiry date that can be set for plates in the
hotlist, enter 0 days.
To show more attribute fields, click .
If the source file uses fixed-length data fields instead of delimiters, switch the
Fixed length option to ON, set the
Start character position of the attribute in the file, and its
The position of the first character in the source file is zero (0).
If the field contains a date or time value in the source file, specify a
Date format.
All standard date and time format strings used in Windows are accepted. If nothing is
specified, the default time format is “yyyy-MM-dd”.
If you want to transform the values read from the data file, click Add an
item () under
Translate, select a From and To
value, and click OK.
In the following example, the new field is CarColor and B will be translated to
Blue and W will be translated to White.
Click OK.
To delete an attribute that you are not using in the source file, select it in the
list, and click Delete ().
If the permits on your list do not expire, you can delete the ExpiryDate
The attribute fields from your hotlist and permit list source text files should now match
the attributes in the entity’s Properties tab. Patroller can now download the information from the
The following source file uses variable field length data, and a semicolon (;) as a
delimiter. It uses the following attributes: Category, PlateState,
PlateNumber, EffectiveDate, ExpiryDate, and