Connecting expansion servers to the main server - Security Center 5.12

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.12

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

Whenever you move your main server to a new computer, you must use Server Admin to reconnect all the expansion servers in your Security Center system to the main server.

Before you begin

After successfully installing an expansion server, it automatically connects to the main server. These steps are necessary only if:
  • You entered the wrong connection parameters to the main server during the expansion server installation.
  • You moved the main server to a different computer.
  • You changed the password on the main server.
  • You enabled Directory authentication on your expansion server, but your Directory certificate is not signed by a trusted certificate authority (CA).


  1. Open the Server Admin web page on the expansion server by doing one of the following:
    • In the address bar of your web browser, type https://computer:port/Genetec, where computer is the hostname or the IP address of your expansion server, and port is the web server port specified during the Security Center Server installation.

      You can omit the web server port if you are using the default value (443).

    • If connecting to Server Admin from the local host, double-click Genetec™ Server Admin () in the Genetec Security Center folder in the Windows Start menu.
  2. Enter the password and click Log on. The initial expansion server password is the main server password that was entered during the expansion server installation. This password is synchronized with the current main server password after the expansion server successfully connects to the main server.
    Logon page for Server Admin.
    The Server Admin Overview page appears.
  3. If you are not connected to the main server, click Main server connection at the top of the Server Admin window.
    The Overview page in Server Admin showing that the Main server connection failed.
  4. Enter the Server address (main server hostname or IP address) and Password, and then click Save.
  5. When prompted to restart the service, click Yes.
    While the Genetec™ Server service restarts, you are temporarily logged off from Server Admin.
  6. After the Genetec™ Server service restarts, log back on to Server Admin to verify the main server connection.
    The main server is connected.

    If Always validate the Directory certificate is set, you might see a message that the identity of the Directory server cannot be verified.

    The Overview page in Server Admin showing that the identity of the Directory server cannot be verified.

  7. If the identity of the Directory server cannot be verified, do the following:
    1. Click Main server connection.
    2. In the dialog box, verify that the certificate of your main server is as expected, and click Accept certificate.
      The Certificates dialog box that is displayed after you click Main server connection in Server Admin.
      IMPORTANT: The accepted certificate is stored in a local allowlist, and you should not be prompted to accept it again. If you are, then you should immediately notify your IT department.
      Best Practice: To avoid having to accept the main server certificate every time someone connects to it from a new machine, use only certificates signed by a certification authority that is trusted by your company's IT.
    3. Click Save.
    4. When prompted to restart the service, click Yes.
      While the Genetec™ Server service restarts, you are temporarily logged off from Server Admin.


The expansion server is now connected to the main server. The two servers can remain connected, even when you change the certificate, on one or both of the servers. For this to work, the two servers must be connected while the change is made.