Contextual commands in administration tasks - Security Center 5.12

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.12

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

Commands related to the selected entity in the browser are displayed at the bottom of the task workspace in administration tasks.

The following table describes all the contextual commands in alphabetical order.
Icon Command Applies to Description
Activate role All roles Activates the selected role.
Add a cardholder Access rules and cardholder groups Creates a cardholder and assign it to the selected entity.
Add a credential Cardholders Creates a credential and add it to the selected cardholder.
Add an entity All entities Creates an entity.
Assign to new door Access control units Creates a door and assign it to the selected access control unit.
Audit trails All entities Creates an Audit trails task for the selected entity to find out which users made changes on the system.
Conflict resolution Active Directory role Opens the Active Directory conflict resolution dialog box to resolve conflicts caused by imported entities.
Copy configuration tool All entities Opens the Copy configuration tool.
Creates an access rule Areas, doors, elevators Creates an access rule and assign it to the selected entity.
Deactivate role All roles Deactivates the selected role.
Delete All entities Deletes the selected entity from the system. Discovered entities can only be deleted when they are inactive.
Diagnose All roles, and some entities Performs a diagnosis on the selected role or entity.
Disable support logs Access Manager and access control units Disables support logs if requested by Genetec™ Technical Assistance.
Enable support logs Access Manager and access control units Enables support logs if requested by Genetec Technical Assistance.
Health statistics Roles and physical devices Creates a Health statistics task for the selected entity to view the health status and availability of entities.
Identify Video units Flashes an LED on the selected unit to help find it on a rack.
Live video Cameras Opens a dialog box showing live video from the selected camera.
Maintenance mode Roles, physical devices, and alarms Sets a role, device, or alarm in maintenance mode so that its downtime does not affect its availability calculation from the Health Monitor.
Move unit Video and access control units Opens the Move unit tool, where you can move units from one manager to another.
Ping Video units Pings the video unit to check if you can communicate with it. This is helpful for troubleshooting purposes.
Print badge Cardholders and credentials Selects a badge template and print a badge for the selected cardholder or credential.
Reboot Video and access control units Restarts the selected unit.
Reconnect Video units Disconnects the selected video unit from the Archiver and then reconnect it to the Archiver.
Run macro Macros Runs the selected macro.
Trigger alarm Alarms Triggers the selected alarm so it can be viewed in Security Desk.
Unit enrollment tool Video and access control units Opens the Unit enrollment tool, where you can find IP units connected to your network.
Unit’s web page Video units Opens a browser to configure the unit using the web page hosted on the unit.