Creating credentials - Security Center 5.12

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.12

Security Center
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Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

You can create a credential, configure its properties, and assign it to a cardholder or visitor, using the Credential management task.

What you should know


  1. In the Credential management task, click Create new credential ().
  2. Select one of the following options:
    Automatic entry
    Present the card at a reader.
    Manual entry
    Manually enter the card data. Use this method when you do not have a card reader near you.
    Create a PIN credential.
    License plate
    Enter a cardholder's license plate number. Use this method if a Sharp camera is being used to trigger a vehicle access barrier. In this case, the cardholder's vehicle license plate can be used as a credential.
  3. If you select Automatic entry, you must then select a reader (USB reader or a door) and present the card at the reader.
    If you have a smart card encoding reader set up, do one of the following:
    • To read a pre-encoded card, turn off the Encode before enrollment option. When the reader LED turns green (ready to read), place the smart card on the reader. The reader LED turns yellow and then green with a short beep before turning off.
      Automatic entry dialog box in the Credential management task with a STid USB reader configured and the Encode before enrollment option off.
    • To generate and encode on your card a random 128-bit MIFARE DESFire credential before enrolling it, turn on the Encode before enrollment option and select at least one configuration with a credential. When the reader LED turns red (ready to encode), place the smart card on the reader for approximately 2 seconds. The reader LED turns yellow and then green with a short beep before turning off. If you hear a long beep and the LED stays red, try again.
      NOTE: Your Security Center license must support smart card encoding.
      Automatic entry dialog box in the Credential management task with a STid USB reader configured and the Encode before enrollment option on.
    • If you chose a configuration with fingerprints, ask the cardholder to present their fingers when prompted, and follow the instructions.
      Fingerprint enrollment step 1.

      The system takes three samples of each fingerprint, for as many fingers as it is specified in the selected configuration file.

      Fingerprint enrollment step 2.
      Fingerprint enrollment step 3.
      Fingerprint enrollment step 4.
  4. If you select Manual entry, you must then select a card format, enter the required data fields, and click OK.
    Enter your card data carefully because the system cannot validate whether the data you entered correspond to a physical card or not.
  5. If you select PIN, you must then do the following:
    1. Enter the PIN as a numerical value.
      NOTE: Be careful not to exceed the number of digits accepted by your readers. A typical PIN length is five digits. But certain models accept up to 15 digits.
    2. Click OK.
  6. If you select License plate, you must then do the following:
    1. Enter the license plate number.
      NOTE: You do not need to enter spaces in the license plate number. The system treats "ABC123" and "ABC 123" as the same plate.
    2. Click OK.
  7. In the Entity name field, enter a name for the credential entity.
    The following screen capture is for card credentials. The dialog box looks different if you selected PIN or License plate credentials.