Creating custom card formats - Security Center 5.12

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.12

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To define custom card formats that have unique data fields, you can create custom formats manually, or import them from XML files, using the Custom card format editor tool.

What you should know

If you delete a custom card format that is being used in Security Center, all credentials using that format appear as Unknown, but the credentials are still granted access at the doors.
NOTE: You need to know the format of your card to enter it into the credential code field. If you do not know the format of your card, contact the card manufacturer or your sales representative of Genetec™ Inc. for help.


  1. Open the Access control task, and click the General settings view.
  2. Under Custom card formats, click Add an item ().
  3. In the Custom card format editor, enter the Name and Description of the custom card format.
  4. Specify the Card format type and Format length.
    • Wiegand (8 to 512 bits)
    • ABA (2 to 128 characters)
  5. Define the Wiegand fields or define the ABA fields that constitute the custom card format.
  6. If you selected Wiegand format type, you might have to add parity check bits to the format.
  7. (Optional) To enroll a range of credentials in bulk, you can designate one field as the sequence generator.
    The field designated as the sequence generator allows you to define a range of values for enrolling the credentials in bulk in the Credential Management task.
  8. Enter the format string for printing the credential code.
    The credential code is the printed form of the credential data. It is an optional column that is available in most access control related reports.The Code format string tells the system how to print the credential data. To include a field in the credential code, the field name must be specified in the code format string as it is spelled in the card format field definition, between curly brackets “{ }”. The field names are case-sensitive. Any other characters in the format string that are not found between curly brackets are printed as is.For example, with the format string “{Facility}/{Card Number}”, a credential with the respective field values 230 and 7455 will be printed as “230/7455”.
  9. To validate the new custom card format with a pre-enrolled credential, click Validate with a credential, select a pre-enrolled credential, and click OK.
  10. (Optional) Click Export to save the custom card format to an XML file.
    Exporting the custom card format to an XML file allows you to import that same card format definition to other Synergis™ systems.
  11. Click OK > Apply.