Customizing user logon options in Config Tool - Security Center 5.12

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.12

Security Center
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Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To select how and when users are allowed to log on to Security Center, you can customize user logon options.

What you should know

User logon settings apply to the local workstations of each user, for both Config Tool and Security Desk. To apply changes to settings, you must restart Security Desk and Config Tool.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, click Options > General.
  2. To force users to log on using Windows credentials, set the Use Windows credentials option to Always.
    For this option to work, the users of this workstation must be imported from an Active Directory.
  3. To restrict the access of all users to a specific Directory, select the Force Directory to option and enter the name of the Directory.
    When this option is enabled, users can’t choose which Directory they connect to. Also, the Directory field isn’t displayed in the Logon window. However, load balancing can automatically redirect users to another Directory.
    NOTE: If the Directory name is entered incorrectly, users can’t connect the next time they attempt to log on.

    Logon dialog box displaying that a user is failing to connect to their Security Center system.

    Tip: If the Use Windows credentials option is set to Always or the Force Directory to option is selected, the Directory, Username, and Password fields display predefined values. To clear these fields, hold Ctrl+Shift and click Log on.
  4. To bypass Directory load balancing, select the Disable Directory redirection option.
    This setting prevents users from being automatically redirected to another server when logging on. For this option to work, you must configure first Directory load balancing.
  5. Click Save.
  6. To limit the number of workstations to which a user can log on simultaneously:
    1. Open the User management task.
    2. Select the user whose settings you want to configure, and click the Advanced tab.
    3. Turn on the Limit concurrent logons option, and enter the number of workstations.
  7. To select when a user can log on:
    1. Under the User logon schedule section, click Add an item ().
    2. Select a schedule.
    3. Click Select.
    NOTE: If you select two schedules that overlap, a blocking schedule has priority over an allowing schedule, regardless of their priority level. If there are no active schedules, the logon schedule defaults to Always.
  8. To lock the Security Center session of a user after a period of inactivity, use of the following options:
    Auto lock
    Turn this option on to lock the user out of their Config Tool or Security Desk session. Open tasks remain visible. However, the user must re-enter their password to resume their session. This requirement can be inherited from a parent user group. Set Inherit from parent to Override to change this setting.
    NOTE: If the user is authenticated through ADFS with passive authentication, the user is logged off, and their current session is closed instead of being locked.
    Auto disconnect
    Turn this option on to log the user off from their Config Tool and Security Desk sessions, and close all tasks. This requirement can be inherited from a parent user group. Set Inherit from parent to Override to change this setting.
    Tip: If the Auto lock and Auto disconnect options are both turned on, the set period of inactivity for auto disconnect should be greater than the set period of inactivity for auto lock.
  9. Click Apply.
  10. To require the user to log on to Security Center with a logon supervisor, open the User management task, select the user to be the supervisor, and click the Advanced tab.
  11. In the Logon supervisor of section, click Add an item (), select the user to be supervised, and click OK.
  12. Click Apply.