Deleting databases - Security Center 5.12

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.12

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To free up disk space, you can delete databases you no longer use.

What you should know

All role databases are deleted from Config Tool, except the Directory database which must be deleted from the Server Admin - Main Server page. The procedures are similar, so only deleting from Config Tool is described here.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the System task and click the Roles view.
  2. Select a role, and click the Resources tab.
  3. From the Database list in the Resources tab of a role, select the database you want to delete.
    NOTE: This does not need to be your current database.
  4. Click Delete the database ().
    A confirmation dialog box appears. If you continue, the database is permanently deleted.
  5. Click Delete in the confirmation dialog box.
    The database deletion starts. A window appears, showing the progress of this action. You can close this window, and review the history of all database actions later on by clicking Database actions in the notification tray.
  6. Create a new database for the role.

After you finish

Connect the role to an existing database or create a new database.