Enabling events for cameras in maintenance mode - Security Center 5.12

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.12

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

By default, Security Center suppresses events from camera and video units while the devices are in maintenance mode. If you want related event-to-actions to continue to work when the devices are in maintenance mode, you can turn off the event suppression by modifying the Archiver.gconfig file.

What you should know

  • When a camera is in maintenance mode, camera events like Recording started or Signal lost are not generated. When a video unit is in maintenance mode, events associated with the video unit or the cameras connected to the video unit are not generated, like Unit lost or Input state changed. Related event-to-actions are disabled when events are not generated.
  • The Archiver.gconfig file has two sections: ArchiverRole and ArchiverAgent. The settings in the file apply to all the Archiver roles or Archiver agents that are hosted on the server. The maintenance mode setting is modified in the ArchiverRole section of the file.
Only modify a .gconfig file if you are sure that the changes are valid. Incorrect code in a .gconfig file can cause issues on your system or cause your system to go offline.


  1. On the Archiver server, do one of the following:
    • Back up the Archiver.gconfig file by copying it to another folder.

      The file is located by default in C:\Program Files (x86)\Genetec Security Center 5.x\ConfigurationFiles on a 64-bit computer and in C:\Program Files\Genetec Security Center 5.x\ConfigurationFiles on a 32-bit computer.

    • If the Archiver.gconfig file does not exist, generate it as follows:
      1. Log on to Server Admin and select the server hosting the Archiver role.
      2. Click Actions > Console > Commands > Archiver Role commands > GenerateConfigFile.The Commands page in Server Admin with an arrow pointing to the GenerateConfigFile command.
  2. Open the Archiver.gconfig file and change the suppressUnitEventsInMaintenanceMode option to false.
    NOTE: If the Archiver.gconfig file already existed on the computer but the options are not listed, it is due to one of the following reasons:
    • You have an outdated version of the file. Generate the file using step 1.
    • The file was previously generated for the Archiver agent (Actions > Console > Commands > Archiver Agent commands > GenerateConfigFile), and you are missing the ArchiverRole section of the file. Generate the file using step 1.
    • If you are using Archiver failover, the Archiver role might be running on a different server. Generate the file on the other server and copy it to this server.
  3. Save the file and restart the Archiver role.
  4. Repeat the procedure on every server that hosts an Archiver role.