Enabling global antipassback on Access Manager roles - Security Center 5.12

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.12

Security Center
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Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

If the areas on which you want to apply the antipassback restrictions are controlled by multiple Synergis™ units, you must enable global antipassback on the Access Manager roles.

What you should know

NOTE: When global antipassback is enabled, the presence of a cardholder in an area is forgotten after seven days if no entry or exit from this area is reported for that cardholder during that period. This means that cardholders can re-enter an area that they never left, or leave an area they never entered, without triggering a passback event if no movement was registered for these cardholders on that area for seven days. This applies even if the Presence timeout is set to infinite (=0).
When strict and hard antipassback is applied to an area without global antipassback, a cardholder who entered the area through one door cannot leave the area through another door if both doors are not controlled by the same unit. Also, the same cardholder who entered the area through one door, can re-enter the area through a different door if the two doors are not controlled by the same unit. With global antipassback enabled, these two violations can be prevented.
IMPORTANT: Global antipassback only works on areas that are entirely controlled by Synergis units. All units controlling the same area must be managed by the same Access Manager.
Tip: If you need to switch your units between Access Manager roles to meet the global antipassback requirements, use the Move unit tool.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the Access control task, and click the Roles and units view.
  2. Select the Access Manager role to configure, and click the Properties tab.
  3. On the Properties page, select the following options: Activate peer-to-peer and Activate global antipassback.
    NOTE: For two units to be connected as peers, they must belong to the same peer group. Up to 15 units can belong to the same group. For more information, see Enabling peer-to-peer on the Access Manager role.
  4. Click Apply.