Enabling peer-to-peer on the Access Manager role - Security Center 5.12

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.12

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To allow the Synergis™ units managed by your Access Manager to communicate with each other, enable the peer-to-peer communication on that role.

Before you begin

Add the access control units that you want this Access Manager role to manage.
Best Practice: Only enable peer-to-peer communication if you plan to create I/O zones that involve multiple Synergis units, or apply antipassback to areas controlled by multiple Synergis units. Leave this option off for better system security and performance.
NOTE: If your Access Manager is hosted in the cloud, you must configure the Fully Qualified Hostname in the Cloud Agent Portal. For more information, see "Configuring access control units for peer-to-peer communication" in the Security Center SaaS Edition (Classic) Deployment Guide.

What you should know

For two units to be connected as peers, they must belong to the same peer group. Up to 15 units can belong to the same group, supporting a maximum of 512 outputs and 128 inputs in I/O linking configurations.


  1. In the Access control task, select the Access Manager and click the Properties tab.
  2. Turn on Activate peer-to-peer.
  3. If needed, select Activate global antipassback.
  4. Under the Peer-to-peer groups list, click Add an item ().
  5. In the dialog box that opens, enter the group name and select the units that belong to this group.
    Select a minimum of two units.
  6. Click Create.
    A new peer group is created.
  7. Create more peer groups as needed.
  8. Click Apply.