Homepage overview - Security Center 5.12

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.12

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

The homepage is the main page in Security Center.

To open the homepage, click the home tab ().

The homepage in Security Desk.

A Search box Type the name of the task that you are looking for. All tasks containing that text in their category, name, or description, are shown.
B Private tasks Lists the saved tasks that you created and are only visible to your user.
C Public tasks Lists the saved tasks shared among multiple Security Center users.
D Tools Lists the standard Security Center tools, external tools, and applications you can start from your homepage.
E Options Click to configure the options for your application.
F Favorites and Recent items Lists the tasks and tools that you have used recently or added to your Favorites.
G Notification tray Displays important information about your system. Hover mouse over an icon to view system information, double-click to perform an action.
H Task tabs Shows the tasks that you have that open in individual tabs. Click to switch tasks.
I Tasks page Lists all tasks available to you. Select a task to open. If you have multiple instances of the task, you are asked to type a name.

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