Modifying event-to-actions - Security Center 5.12

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.12

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To modify an event-to-action when you have a long list of them in Security Center, you can search using a combination of source entity (name and type), event type, and action type.


  1. Open the Automation task and click the Actions view.
  2. (Optional) From the Domain list, select a subject domain.
    When you select a domain, the page only displays configured actions that are associated to events in that domain. The filter also applies to all subsequent event selection drop-down lists.

    You can select the following domains:

    • All
    • Access control
    • ALPR
    • Intrusion detection
    • Video
  3. Click Advanced search () to show the search filters, and filter out the event-to-actions as follows:
    Entity name
    Search for source entity names starting with the search string.
    Entity type
    Select a specific source entity type (default=All).
    Select a specific event type (default=All).
    Select a specific action type (default=All).
  4. Select an event-to-action, and click Edit the item ().
  5. (Optional) From the When list in the Event-to-action dialog box, select an event type.
    1. (ALPR only) If you select License plate read, you can specify a condition for LicensePlateRead events.
    2. (Custom events only) If you select a custom event, you can specify a text string in the and field, which must be included in the macro that triggers the event-to-action.
  6. In the From option, click Any entity and select an entity that triggers the event.
    By default, the event-to-action occurs when any entity triggers the event type you select. If you select a specific entity, you might have to set other parameters. For example, if you select a door, you must also select a door side.
  7. From the Action list, select an action type and configure its parameters.
    For example, if you select the Send an email action, you can create an email template message that can include fields that are related to the report or event. In this case, using the {CardholderName} field, you could create the message: Unauthorized access attempt by {CardholderName} .
  8. In the Effective option, click Always and select a schedule when this event-to-action is active.
    If the event occurs outside of the defined schedule, the action is not triggered. For example, you might want to sound an alarm only when a window is opened during the weekend. By default, Always is selected.
  9. (Optional) Disable the event-to-action by turning off Enabled.
    Event-to-actions are enabled by default. You can temporarily disable them for maintenance or troubleshooting without affecting the settings. The status of an event-to-action is indicated by a green icon () when enabled and a gray icon () when disabled.
  10. If the entity is located in a different timezone from your system, enable the Use source time zone option to configure the schedule's start and end using the time zone of the source entity's server.
    NOTE: This option is only available for cameras, video units, access control units, and doors.
  11. Click Save.
    The Save button is only available when all the arguments required by the event-to-action type are specified.
  12. To delete an event-to-action, select the item, and click Delete ().
  13. Click Apply.