Modifying the auto-complete suggestions for filters in the Reads report - Security Center 5.12

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.12

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To customize the auto-complete suggestions for Reads report filters, you can add or delete default values in the annotation fields. For example: Vehicle color, Vehicle make, and Vehicle type.

What you should know

Customizing the auto-complete suggestions is useful in the following scenarios:
  • If the SharpOS of your camera units is updated with new auto-complete suggestions that are currently unavailable on your Security Center system. For example, if the updated SharpOS identifies Gold as a Vehicle color, you might need to customize the list of suggested vehicle colors in Security Center to include Gold.
  • If you use an SDK or a plugin to edit the Sharp analytics attributes of the reads captured. For example, you could use a plugin to edit the Vehicle color attribute in a read to Silver. In this case you might need to add Silver to the list of suggested vehicle colors in Security Center.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, click ALPR > General settings > Annotation fields.
  2. Select the Sharp analytic filter that you want to edit.
  3. Click .

    The Edit an annotation field window opens.

  4. Click the Edit icon () next to Field name.

    The Edit annotation field suggestions window opens.

  5. To add a suggestion: Enter a value, and click .
    To add multiple suggestions, enter values separated by a comma, and click .
  6. To delete a suggestion: Select a value, and click .
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Cancel.


The Reads report now includes your custom auto-complete filter suggestion.