Moving access control units to a different Access Manager - Security Center 5.12

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.12

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

If you want a different Access Manager role to manage and control an access control unit, for load distribution or another purpose, you can move the unit to another Access Manager using the Move unit tool.

Before you begin

  • Make sure that the Access Manager role is on the same LAN as the access control unit it controls.
  • Create the extension for the unit.
  • Ensure that the Access Manager role to which you want to move the unit has not already reached its unit limit.
    NOTE: If the maximum number of units for the Access Manager role is reached, you can still move the unit to that role, but the role will be in a warning state, and performance might be negatively impacted.

What you should know

To move access control units from one hosted SaaS Access Manager role to another hosted SaaS Access Manager role, you must contact our Technical Assistance personnel.


  1. From the homepage, click Tools > Move unit.
  2. From the Unit type list, select Access control unit.
  3. Under Access control unit, select the units you want to move.
  4. Under Access Manager, select the new Access Manager role to control the unit.
  5. Click Move > Close.