Possible issues with network configuration backup - Security Center 5.12

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.12

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

To ensure a smooth reconfiguration of your network, be aware of the following possible issues and take the appropriate precautions.

Backup file lacks information about a new server

Situation: A server was added to the system after the backup.

System behavior: The system automatically adds new servers to the default network. When you restore this backup file, the system ignores the missing server information and completes the backup process.

User action: After you restore the backup file, associate the new server with the network.

Deleted a network associated with a server

Situation: A network that contains a server was accidentally deleted.

System behavior: The system automatically adds the server to the default network.

User action: To restore the network configuration, restore the recent automatic backup that contains “before deleting a network” in the filename.

Deleted an expansion server associated with a network

Situation: An expansion server association was deleted from its parent network.

System behavior: The system automatically reconnects the server and associates it with the default network. An automatic backup is not created in this situation.

User action: To reassociate the server to the parent network, back up and restore the network configuration.

Backup file include an obsolete server

Situation: A server was removed from the system after the backup.

System behavior: When you restore this backup file, the system ignores the obsolete server information and completes the backup process.

User action: None needed.