Before you print the report, you can make adjustments to the document's format, margins, and orientation, and preview the changes in this Print report dialog.
A | Preview | Preview your report before printing. Changes made in this dialog automatically reload the preview for reports that are 30 pages or less. For larger reports, click Refresh to view your changes. |
B | Printer | Select which printer to use to print the report. |
C | Copies | Select the number of copies of the report to print. If you do not see the option, then the printer you have selected only prints one copy at a time. |
D | Pages | Choose to print all pages of the report or a subset of pages. |
E | Orientation | Display your report in portrait or landscape mode. |
F | Color | Choose the color mode for the report. The options available depend on what the selected printer supports. |
G | Size | Select a paper size for the report. |
H | Source | Choose the paper source for the report from the input trays on the printer. |
I | Margins | Set the margins for the report using preset values, or create custom margins 1-5 cm or 0.4-2 inches wide. The unit of measurement used depends on your Windows Regional setting. |