Updating video unit passwords in batches - Security Center 5.12

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.12

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

If you have a large number of video units in your system, you can update their passwords in batches from the Hardware inventory task.

Before you begin

Back up the Unit Assistant role database. It is used to store the last five password change requests of all units.
Changing a unit password causes a short recording interruption, so choose a time of day that minimizes disruption to your operations.

What you should know

  • You need the Update video unit password privilege to perform this operation.
  • Only certain models of video units support the password update feature from Config Tool. You might have to upgrade the unit firmware for this feature to work. For the list of manufacturers that support this feature, see Manufacturers that support password update.
  • Always test this feature on a few units before applying it to a large batch of units of the same brand and model.


  1. From the Config Tool homepage, open the Hardware inventory task.
  2. Set up the query filters for your report.
    Choose one or more of the following filters:
    Select individual units or roles to investigate. Selecting a role is equivalent to selecting all units managed by that role.
    Custom fields
    Restrict the search to a predefined custom field for the entity. This filter only appears if custom fields are defined for the entity, and if the custom field was made visible to you when it was created or last configured.
  3. Click Generate report.
    The selected units are listed in the report pane.
  4. Ensure that the units whose password you want to update are online.
  5. Select the units you want to update and click Update password ().
    The system automatically generates a strong password for each selected unit and sends a password change request to each.
  6. Confirm that the passwords have been updated by waiting a minute and then regenerating the report.
    In the Last password change result column, the message Password changed successfully is displayed.
    NOTE: You can verify the password by clicking Show password () in the Password column.
  7. Export the new unit passwords and keep them in a safe place.