Using default Security Desk settings to view federated cameras - Security Center 5.12

Security Center Administrator Guide 5.12

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Administrator guides
Last updated

When requesting live video from federated cameras, you can configure a workstation to use the default video stream settings from Security Desk instead of using the settings from the Federation™ role.

What you should know

When users request live video from a local camera, the default stream settings are taken from the video options in Security Desk (default=Live).

When users request live video from a federated camera, the default stream settings are taken from the properties of the Federation™ role (default=Remote). The remote stream is used because federated cameras are often used in a low bandwidth segment of the network.


  1. On the workstation where you want to change the default behavior, back up the GeneralSettings.gconfig file by copying it to another folder.
    The file is found in the Security Center installation folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Genetec Security Center 5.12\ConfigurationFiles).
    Only modify a .gconfig file if you are sure that the changes are valid. Incorrect code in a .gconfig file can cause issues on your system or cause your system to go offline.
  2. Open the GeneralSettings.gconfig in a text editor and add the following line of code in the <configuration> section:
    <streamUsage bypassFederationDefaultStream="true"/>
  3. Save your changes and restart Security Desk.