Known issues in the Digital Signage Management plugin 2.3 - Security Center Digital Signage Management 2.3

Security Center Digital Signage Management Plugin Guide 2.3

Applies to
Security Center Digital Signage Management 2.3
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Security Center Digital Signage Management

The Digital Signage Management plugin 2.3 includes the following known issues.

Issue Description
2047186 The Digital Signage Management plugin needs to check shared library messages for graphic and color compatibility.

OBSERVATION: If a shared library message uses color or graphics, it is possible the generated MULTI is not be valid for a sign, for instance, if the sign is monochrome or not using a full matrix. If the user tries to activate this message along with other messages on the sign, no message is displayed.

EXPECTED: The plugin should not show shared library messages that are not valid for the sign.

WORKAROUND: Do not attempt to activate a color message on a sign that does not support color.

2157094 Adding fonts fails.

OBSERVATION: Adding a font to the Digital Signage Management plugin fails unless Config Tool is running on the same server as the plugin.

EXPECTED: Users should be able to upload fonts to the plugin regardless of where Config Tool is running.

WORKAROUND: Run Config Tool on the server where the plugin is installed.

2158469 The Digital Signage Management plugin installer uses the old icon.

OBSERVATION: The icon that appears in the Windows application list after the Digital Signage Management is installed is different from the icon for the Security Center Fleet Monitoring, Security Center Vehicle Monitoring, and Security Center Traffic Sensor Management plugins.

EXPECTED: The icon should match the icon used for other Mobility plugins.

2158623 The file browser for external control only makes sense if Config Tool is running on the same server as the plugin.

OBSERVATION: When configuring the location of the output command file for external control, the file browser is only for the local machine where Config Tool is running, not the machine where the plugin is running.

EXPECTED: The ability to choose a file location for external control should only be enabled if Config Tool is running on the same server as the plugin.

2158695 The plugin is unable to fetch display information for a simulated sign after the display matrix is changed.

OBSERVATION: Changing a simulated DMS entity's display matrix from full matrix to character matrix logs an exception in the console. The system is unable to get the display information for the sign.

2254453 The button to remove a DMS Dashboard message filter is clipped.
2294862 The plugin does not work for signs that do not support fonts.

OBSERVATION: Messages set on a sign are given the <fo> tag, which contains the font index to use. If a sign does not support fonts, this might cause issues.

1042323 The DMS Maps layer is misnamed as the Shapes layer.
1625069 DMS map icons appear on the wrong layer in Security Desk.

OBSERVATION: DMS icons on the map appear on the Shapes layer.

1044616 The DMS widget is not displayed when an incident is triggered on a DMS panel.

OBSERVATION: When an incident is triggered on a specific DMS panel, the DMS widget is not displayed in the General tab.

EXPECTED: The DMS widget should be displayed when an incident is triggered on a specific DMS panel.

1101088 The Tag configuration page is not always available.

OBSERVATION: In one system, the tab was available in System > Roles > Plugin, but not in Plugins > Digital Signage Management plugin.