To color boolean values based on their state, you can enable input coloring. To
enable input coloring, you must configure the metadata keys in the Security
Center Fleet Monitoring plugin.
What you should know
This configuration will allow the plugin to recognize that the metadata keys
produce boolean values. The values will appear as green when they are on and light grey
when they are off. The Input coloring feature is found in the metadata tile.
From the Config
Tool home page, open the
Plugins task.
In the Plugins task, select the Fleet Monitoringplugin role from the entity browser and click the
Metadata tab.
Click Add ().
The Add metadata configuration window
In the Metadata key field, enter the name of the key as
it appears in the Vehicle route playback task.
From the Value type drop-down list, select
Click OK.
To add additional metadata keys, repeat steps 3 through 6.
Click Apply.