Configuring the Fleet Monitoring plugin metadata properties - Fleet Monitoring

Security Center Fleet Monitoring Plugin Guide

Fleet Monitoring
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

If you want to view graphic representations of vehicle metadata using the Security Center Fleet Monitoring plugin, you must configure the metadata properties.

What you should know

  • These metadata properties are used to display key and value pairs in real-time in the Monitoring task and in playback in the Vehicle route playback task.
  • They can be configured to cause the textual list of metadata to show on and off values in different colors, and to display the metadata on a graph in the Vehicle route playback task.
  • Metadata properties can currently only be configured at the plugin level, so any configurations you make apply to all AVL units for which this feature is enabled.


To configure the metadata properties:

  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Plugins task.
  2. In the Plugins task, select the Fleet Monitoring plugin role from the entity browser and click the Metadata tab.

To define metadata keys for the Fleet Monitoring plugin:

  1. In the Metadata keys section, click Add ().
    The Add metadata key configuration window opens.
  2. In the Metadata key field, enter a name for the metadata key.
  3. In the Value type dropdown, choose from Boolean, Numeric, or Custom.
  4. Optional: If you selected Custom, click Add () and enter a metadata value and integer value.
    NOTE: These metadata key configurations are used for display of metadata in textual lists and graphs. The types of keys are as follows:
    • Boolean: shows green text when the associated trigger is 'on' and gray when it is 'off'.
    • Integer: assigns a value that can be converted into an integer used for graphing in the Vehicle route playback task.
    • Custom: assigns integer values to the available key values so that can be graphed.

Use metadata panels to view a graphic or text representation of vehicle metadata values. To configure metadata panels, do the following:

  1. In the Metadata panels section, click Add ().
    • Metadata properties can currently only be configured at the plugin level, so any configurations you make apply to all AVL units for which this feature is enabled.
  2. From the Custom 16 tiles drop down menu, select the display option you require. Choose to display multiple tiles containing text, or a diagram of a bus with accompanying text-described symbols.
  3. Define a name for the panel.
  4. Select an AVL unit type for the panel.
    NOTE: An AVL unit must be set to Type: bus to use the metadata panel feature.
  5. To make a panel the default panel, activate the Is default check box.
  6. Select the bus functions for which you want metadata graphics to be displayed by checking or clearing the associated check boxes.
  7. To edit bus function definitions, click Advanced, choose the element you wish to edit, and click Edit.
    The Edit symbol window appears.
  8. Edit the Symbol label and change the Value match rules as needed.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Click Apply.