Exporting vehicle route playback using the Fleet Monitoring plugin - Fleet Monitoring

Security Center Fleet Monitoring Plugin Guide

Fleet Monitoring
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

From the Vehicle route playback task, you can export the route playback layout to a standalone video player that can be viewed outside of Security Desk. The standalone player is supplied with the Security Center Fleet Monitoring package.

What you should know

You can use the offline route playback feature to do the following:
  • Play back synchronized video and vehicle routes
  • Modify video tile patterns and sizes
  • Organize tiles to show particular data
  • Verify the digital signature on a video file within the player


  1. From the Security Desk homepage, open the Vehicle route playback task.
  2. Display the entities whose route playback you want to export.
    The task exports the map's zoom level and the tile layout as they are currently displayed.
  3. In the Time frame section, set the time frame to export:
    • If this is the first time you are exporting a vehicle route playback, set a time frame of about one minute. This accelerates the process of generating the standalone video player.
    • If you have already generated the standalone video player, set the time frame you want to export.
    • If one of the tiles is not displaying any information, try adjusting the time frame. A blank tile means the associated device was not capturing information during the specified time frame.
    • If none of the cameras involved in the route playback export have any video from the specified time frame, only GPS and metadata info associated with the export time frame is displayed.
  4. In the Playback section, click Export ().
    The Vehicle route playback export window opens.
  5. In the Run export on setting, choose to process the export using your computer or server.
  6. From the Export type list, select how to export the route playback:
    • Export to file system.
    • Export to Clearance.
    NOTE: To include the offline route playback player package in your export, you must install the AVL offline route playback player.
  7. If you chose Export to file system, define the following:
    Save to
    Click Browse and select where the exported route playback is saved.
    Folder name
    Assign a name to the folder.
    MP4 video format
    Choose to export the video in MP4 format.
    NOTE: The MP4 format does not support encryption or include a video player in the export.
    Include player
    Include the offline player with the video files in your export.
    Compress results
    Compress the files in the export into a single file.
    Choose to encrypt the files in the export and enter a password used for decryption.
  8. If you chose Export to Genetec Clearance, define the following:
    Folder name
    Assign a name to the folder.
    Evidence name
    The evidence file's name in Clearance.
    Evidence description
    The info included in the evidence file's description section.
    Create case
    Choose to create a new case including the evidence you are about to export.
    Case name
    The name assigned to the new case in Clearance.
    The department assigned to the new case in Clearance.
    The category that the new case is a part of in Clearance.
  9. Click Export.
    The export activity is shown in the window. When the task is complete, the route playback is exported to the location you selected.
  10. (Optional) Review the exported route playback:
    1. If you are running a version of Security Center other than 5.7, close any open Security Center windows.
    2. Open the RoutePlayback.exe file.
      The standalone video player opens.
    3. If you selected a no player export type or want to view another exported route playback, in the Route playback files section, click Browse and select the route playback files to view.
    4. If the route playback files are compressed, in the Extract route playback file window, click Unzip.
    5. If the route playback files are encrypted, in the Decrypt route playback files window, enter the password and click Decrypt.
    The exported route playback is displayed.