Supported report tasks in the Security Center Fleet Monitoring plugin - Fleet Monitoring

Security Center Fleet Monitoring Plugin Guide

Fleet Monitoring
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

You can investigate the events and alarms forwarded by AVL units by using some of the reports available in Security Desk.

For more information about the purpose, content, and use of these investigation reports, refer to the Security Desk User Guide or press F1 in Security Desk to access the online help.

The following native Security Center reports are supported for your integrations:
  • Alarm report
  • Intrusion detection unity events
The following reports are added to Security Desk by the Security Center Fleet Monitoring plugin:
Report type Description
AVL area entry and exit report Reports AVL entry to and exit from areas of interest.
AVL data offload report Shows status of previously initiated AVL data offloads.
AVL Fleet health report Displays fleet health status concerning AVL units.
AVL geofence speed violation report Reports speed violations made by AVL units as they pass through geofenced areas.
AVL video offload status report Displays the amount of video that was transferred per 4-hour period of each day.
Vehicle data history Shows metadata offloaded from GPS units.
Local vehicle data history Displays metadata from the local GPS units within a specified time range.