What is the Fleet Monitoring plugin? - Fleet Monitoring

Security Center Fleet Monitoring Plugin Guide

Fleet Monitoring
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Last updated

The Security Center Fleet Monitoring plugin, previously known as the AVL plugin, gathers and connects video and metadata, such as location and other sensor inputs, from vehicles running the Security Center Fleet Monitoring plugin. When installed, you can track vehicle locations, detect vehicles as they enter or exit areas of interest, offload data from vehicles, and review the playback of the video and metadata in synchronization.

Fleet Monitoring is used in combination with Vehicle Monitoring to monitor fleets of vehicles. The two plugins can be described as follows:
  • Vehicle Monitoring plugin (also known as the GPS plugin): Installed on the vehicle system, this plugin collects telematics, GPS information, and other sensor data as GPS (Global Positioning System) entities. This plugin provides information on status of on-board cameras and archivers running on the Security Center server.
  • Security Center Fleet Monitoring plugin (also known as the AVL plugin): Installed on the head-end system, this plugin aggregates the location, accelerometer, input, and camera data into a new entity, called an AVL (Automatic Vehicle Locator) entity.
You can use Fleet Monitoring to do the following:
  • Monitor vehicle location in real time
  • Play back synchronized video and vehicle routes
  • Offload data from a vehicle system to a central system
  • Offload video and metadata automatically based on a schedule, location or connection state
  • Request video offloads for a fleet of vehicles
  • Trigger notifications based on geofence triggers
  • Respond to incidents quickly and effectively
  • Notify users of system issues on board
  • View camera quick statuses