Using the different command options, you can customize your Security Center Client silent install.
Desk is installed in English, in
silent mode without any questions. The log files are saved to
"Security Center Setup.exe" /language:1033 /silent /ISInstallDir=c:\GENETEC_PATH /ISFeatureInstall=SecurityDesk /debuglog"C:\MyLogs\Intall.log" /log"C:\MyLogs" AGREETOLICENSE=Yes
Tool and Security
Desk are installed in French, in silent mode
without any questions.
"Security Center Setup.exe" /language:3084 /silent /ISInstallDir=c:\GENETEC_PATH /ISFeatureInstall=ConfigTool,SecurityDesk AGREETOLICENSE=Yes
Tool and Security
Desk are installed in English, in silent mode
without any questions.
"Security Center Setup.exe" /language:1033 /silent /ISInstallDir=c:\GENETEC_PATH /ISFeatureInstall=ConfigTool,SecurityDesk AGREETOLICENSE=Yes
A typical Installation in French, in silent mode without any questions.
"Security Center Setup.exe" /language:3084 /silent AGREETOLICENSE=Yes MAINSERVER_PASSWORD=serverpassword
A complete installation in English, with Omnicastâ„¢ compatibility pack 4.8, in silent
mode without any questions.
"Security Center Setup.exe" /ISFeatureInstall=Client,Server,CompPacks,CompPack48 /language:1033 /silent AGREETOLICENSE=Yes MAINSERVER_PASSWORD=serverpassword
A complete installation in English, in silent mode without any questions. Security Center applications will use Arabic.
"Security Center Setup.exe" /language:1033 /silent /ISFeatureInstall=Client,Server AGREETOLICENSE=Yes LANGUAGECHOSEN=1025 MAINSERVER_PASSWORD=serverpassword