Sample Security Center Server installation commands - Security Center

Security Center Installation and Upgrade Guide

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Security Center
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Guides > Installation guides
Security Center

Using the different command options, you can customize your Security Center Server silent installation.

Genetec™ Server with the Directory is installed in English with a specific Username and Password for the service to run under. The files are installed in C:\MyFolder. The log files are saved to C:\MyLogs. The database server is specified. The data collection policy is set to ON. Setup runs in silent mode without any questions.
"Security Center Setup.exe" /silent /language:1033 /ISFeatureInstall=Server /ISInstallDir=C:\MyFolder /debuglog"C:\MyLogs\Intall.log" /log"C:\MyLogs" AGREETOLICENSE=Yes COLLECTPOLICY=On SERVICEUSERNAME=.\toto SERVICEPASSWORD=password GLOBAL_SERVER=(local)\Genetec MAINSERVER_PASSWORD=ServerPwd-123
A standard installation of Genetec™ Server as the main server, without any questions. The data collection policy is set to anonymous. The installation path is C:\GENETEC_PATH.
"Security Center Setup.exe" /language:1033 /silent /ISInstallDir=c:\GENETEC_PATH /ISFeatureInstall=Server AGREETOLICENSE=Yes COLLECTPOLICY=Anonymous MAINSERVER_PASSWORD=ServerPwd-123
A standard installation of Genetec™ Server as an expansion server, without any questions. Only the installation path is different.
"Security Center Setup.exe" /language:1033 /silent /ISInstallDir=c:\GENETEC_PATH /ISFeatureInstall=Server AGREETOLICENSE=Yes SERVER_TYPE=Expansion MAINSERVER_PASSWORD=ServerPwd-123
A standard installation in French in silent mode, with the data collection policy set to OFF, without any questions.
"Security Center Setup.exe" /language:3084 /silent AGREETOLICENSE=Yes COLLECTPOLICY=Off MAINSERVER_PASSWORD=ServerPwd-123
A complete installation in English, with Omnicast™ compatibility packs 4.7 and 4.8, in silent mode without any questions. The default database server name, (local)\SQLExpress, is used for the Directory.
"Security Center Setup.exe" /ISFeatureInstall=Client,Server,CompPacks,CompPack47,CompPack48 /language:1033 /silent AGREETOLICENSE=Yes COLLECTPOLICY=On MAINSERVER_PASSWORD=ServerPwd-123
A complete installation in English, in silent mode, with the data collection policy set to anonymous, without any questions. This setup will create a log file located in C: drive.
"Security Center Setup.exe" /language:1033 /silent /ISFeatureInstall=Client,Server /log"C:\" /debuglog"C:\DebugLog.log" AGREETOLICENSE=Yes COLLECTPOLICY=Anonymous MAINSERVER_PASSWORD=ServerPwd-123
A complete installation in English, in silent mode without any questions. Security Center applications will use Arabic.
"Security Center Setup.exe" /language:1033 /silent /ISFeatureInstall=Client,Server AGREETOLICENSE=Yes COLLECTPOLICY=On LANGUAGECHOSEN=1025 MAINSERVER_PASSWORD=ServerPwd-123