Sample Security Center Server installation commands - Security Center

Security Center Installation and Upgrade Guide

Security Center
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Guides > Installation guides
Last updated

Using the different command options, you can customize your Security Center Server silent installation.

Genetec™ Server with the Directory is installed in English with a specific Username and Password for the service to run under. The files are installed in C:\MyFolder. The log files are saved to C:\MyLogs. The database server is specified. The data collection policy is set to ON. Setup runs in silent mode without any questions.
"Security Center Setup.exe" /silent /language:1033 /ISFeatureInstall=Server /ISInstallDir=C:\MyFolder /debuglog"C:\MyLogs\Intall.log" /log"C:\MyLogs" AGREETOLICENSE=Yes COLLECTPOLICY=On SERVICEUSERNAME=.\toto SERVICEPASSWORD=password GLOBAL_SERVER=(local)\Genetec MAINSERVER_PASSWORD=ServerPwd-123
A standard installation of Genetec™ Server as the main server, without any questions. The data collection policy is set to anonymous. The installation path is C:\GENETEC_PATH. Both the installation and the Security Center applications are in English.
"Security Center Setup.exe" /language:1033 /silent /ISInstallDir=c:\GENETEC_PATH /ISFeatureInstall=Server LANGUAGECHOSEN=1033 AGREETOLICENSE=Yes COLLECTPOLICY=Anonymous MAINSERVER_PASSWORD=ServerPwd-123
A standard installation of Genetec™ Server as an expansion server, without any questions. Only the installation path is different. Both the installation and the Security Center applications use the default language, which is English.
"Security Center Setup.exe" /silent /ISInstallDir=c:\GENETEC_PATH /ISFeatureInstall=Server AGREETOLICENSE=Yes SERVER_TYPE=Expansion MAINSERVER_PASSWORD=ServerPwd-123
A standard installation in French in silent mode, with the data collection policy set to OFF, without any questions. Security Center applications will use French (default to installation language).
"Security Center Setup.exe" /silent /language:3084 AGREETOLICENSE=Yes COLLECTPOLICY=Off MAINSERVER_PASSWORD=ServerPwd-123
A complete installation in English, with Omnicast™ compatibility packs 4.7 and 4.8, in silent mode without any questions. The default database server name, (local)\SQLExpress, is used for the Directory.
"Security Center Setup.exe" /silent /language:1033 /ISFeatureInstall=Client,Server,CompPacks,CompPack47,CompPack48 AGREETOLICENSE=Yes COLLECTPOLICY=On MAINSERVER_PASSWORD=ServerPwd-123
A complete installation in English (default), in silent mode, with the data collection policy set to anonymous, without any questions. This setup will create a log file located in C: drive. Security Center applications will use English (default to installation language).
"Security Center Setup.exe" /silent /ISFeatureInstall=Client,Server /log"C:\" /debuglog"C:\DebugLog.log" AGREETOLICENSE=Yes COLLECTPOLICY=Anonymous MAINSERVER_PASSWORD=ServerPwd-123
A complete installation in English (default), in silent mode without any questions. Security Center applications will use Arabic.
"Security Center Setup.exe" /silent /ISFeatureInstall=Client,Server AGREETOLICENSE=Yes COLLECTPOLICY=On LANGUAGECHOSEN=1025 MAINSERVER_PASSWORD=ServerPwd-123
A complete installation in French, in silent mode without any questions, using an Azure SQL database. Security Center applications will use French (default to installation language).
"Security Center Setup.exe" /language:3084 /silent /ISFeatureInstall=Client,Server AGREETOLICENSE=Yes COLLECTPOLICY=On MAINSERVER_PASSWORD=ServerPwd-123 SQLSERVER_GROUP=AzureServer SQLSERVER_AUTHENTICATION=1 SQLSERVER_USERNAME=scdbadmin SQLSERVER_PASSWORD=SeCret123!