Silent installation of Security Center - Security Center

Security Center Installation and Upgrade Guide

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Installation guides
Last updated

A silent installation is an automated way of installing software without user intervention. The silent installation is run from the command line using the Security Center setup.exe executable, and Windows Installer commands.

You can customize the following options from the command line:

  • Installation language
  • Application language
  • Client or Server installation path
  • Client or Server features to install
  • Server username and password for running the services
  • Server and database name


Take note of the following limitations before performing a silent installation:

  • You cannot update your license in silent mode. You’ll need to run the Server Admin application after installing Security Center to activate the license.
  • A command line is limited to a maximum of 850 characters.
    Tip: One way to shorten the command-line length is to reduce the installation path length. This can be achieved by copying the installation files onto a local drive.
  • You cannot use mapped drives in your path specifications.

Silent installation of the Security Center Drivers

To install the Security Center Drivers in silent mode, you need to ask your representative of Genetec Inc. for the separate driver installation package, and use the following syntax:

setup.exe /s /v"/qn /l*v "<msilog>" <restart_option>"
  • setup.exe is the setup program found in the root folder of the Drivers installation package.
  • <msiLog> is the path to the MSI log file. The folder path must exist. The setup program will not create it.

    Example: "C:\Users\Public\install.log"

  • <restart_option> indicates whether or not to restart the Genetec™ Server service after installation.
    • RESTART_GENETEC_SERVER=1 (default)

    If you choose not to restart Genetec™ Server right away, you must restart it at a later time for the new drivers to take effect.

Silent installation of the Security Center SDK

To install the Security Center SDK in silent mode using the separate SDK installation package, see Silent installation options for Security Center SDK.