Reducing the package size for client installations - Security Center

Security Center Installation and Upgrade Guide

Security Center
Content type
Guides > Installation guides
Last updated

To ease the download and distribution of Security Center to your remote sites, you can greatly reduce the size of the installation package if you only want to install client applications.

What you should know

The full standalone Security Center installation package is roughly 4.6 GB. If you only need to install the client applications, Security Desk and Config Tool, you can eliminate the prerequisites that are only required for server installations, and reduce the size of the installation package by more than half.
Tip: You can use the web installer to create a custom installation bundle with only the components you need based on a first installation. However, the custom bundle can only be used to replicate the same installation on machines that have the same Windows setup as your first machine. If you plan on installing client applications on machines with different Windows setup, you must follow the current procedure.


  1. Download a copy of the full installation package from Genetec™ Portal (GTAP).
  2. Unzip the package to a temporary folder.
  3. Delete the Documentation folder.
    This folder contains the Security Center Installation and Upgrade Guide and Release Notes in PDF format in multiple languages. You save roughly 21 MB.
    Tip: If you need these documents later, you can download them individually from TechDoc Hub.
  4. Open the SC Packages folder.
  5. Delete the SQLExpress folder.
    A client only installation does not require Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition. You save roughly 2.20 GB.
  6. If you do not have an Omnicast™ Federation™, delete the Omnicast compatibility packs.
    • Genetec Omnicast 4.6 Compatibility Package (~59 MB)
    • Genetec Omnicast 4.7 Compatibility Package (~96 MB)
    • Genetec Omnicast 4.8 Compatibility Package (~124 MB)

    If no compatibility pack is required, then delete also Microsoft Primary Interoperability Assemblies 2005. Your save a total of roughly 280 MB.

  7. If you do not need Genetec™ Video Player, delete the Genetec Video Player folder.
    You save roughly 606 MB. If you need it later, you can download it separately from GTAP.

After you finish

Use the reduced package to install Security Center Client on other machines. Use the following sample silent installation commands:
  • Install all client applications with Genetec™ Video Player:
    "Security Center Setup.exe" /silent /language:1033 /ISFeatureInstall=Client /debuglog"C:\DebugLog.log" /log"C:\" AGREETOLICENSE=Yes
  • Install all client applications without Genetec™ Video Player:
    "Security Center Setup.exe" /silent /language:1033 /ISFeatureInstall=Client /debuglog"C:\DebugLog.log" /log"C:\" AGREETOLICENSE=Yes INSTALL_GVP=0
  • Install Security Desk only with Genetec™ Video Player:
    "Security Center Setup.exe" /silent /language:1033 /ISFeatureInstall=SecurityDesk /debuglog"C:\DebugLog.log" /log"C:\" AGREETOLICENSE=Yes