Creating desk entities using Office Manager - Security Center Office Manager 3.0

Security Center Office Manager Plugin Guide 3.0

Applies to
Security Center Office Manager 3.0
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Security Center Office Manager

Before you can monitor occupancy and spatial analytics, you need to create desk entities for each desk in your workspace.


  1. From the Config Tool home page, open the Area view task.
  2. Click Add an entity ( ) and select Desk.
    The desk entity is displayed in the entity browser.
  3. From the Identity tab, in the Name field, enter a name for the desk.
    Tip: For better search indexing, it is a best practice to include the floor number in the desk name.
  4. Click the Designation tab and choose how the desk is assigned:
    • Home desk: A desk assigned to a single cardholder.
    • Shared desk: A desk that is assigned to multiple cardholders.
    • Hot desk: An unassigned desk that can be used by cardholders as needed.
  5. Click the Analytic tab and configure how the desk occupancy is calculated:
    1. In the Analytic plugin section, click Select a plugin, and select an instance of the Office Analytics plugin to use to calculate desk occupancy.
    2. In the Readers section, click and select the readers that grant access to the desk area.
  6. Click Apply.