Known issues in Security Center - Security Center

Security Center Release Notes

Security Center
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Release notes
Last updated

Security Center includes the following known issues.

Generic issues are categorized by solution. Unit-specific issues are categorized by manufacturer and model.

Known issues found in Security Center 5.11

Solution/Unit Issue First reported in Description
ALPR 1397327 Accessing a hotlist that is stored on a remote server shows a Failed validating user error message.

Known issues found in Security Center 5.10

Solution/Unit Issue First reported in Description
All 2646937 Users are unable to link a custom field of type Date to an Active Directory attribute.
ALPR 2617728 The Reset parking zone inventory action fails when it is triggered by an event-to-action configuration.
ALPR 2483593 After connecting to a new Archiver, the devices in the LPR Manager role do not reconnect.
Workaround: Restart the LPR Manager role.
Unification 3061860 Encrypted custom fields added in Security Center version 5.10.3 do not work in Web Client.

Known issues found in Security Center 5.9

Solution/Unit Issue First reported in Description
ALPR 2494859 The Parking occupancy task in Security Desk does not run the AutoVu™ Free-Flow Dashboard plugin. The web page opens with a HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found. error.
Workaround: Upgrade your Free-Flow plugin to version 9.0.1.
ALPR 2494349 The Pay-by-Plate server is unreachable warning still shows when the Free-Flow port on the ALPR Manager and the Genetec Patroller™ communication port on the Pay-By-Plate plugin match.
Workaround: Restart the Pay-by-Plate plugin.
ALPR 2314836 After upgrading to Security Center, the Performance counter does not start automatically.
  1. In the Windows Task Scheduler, open the Task Scheduler Library folder in the side menu.
  2. Navigate to Microsoft > Windows > PLA.
  3. Right-click your Genetec Inc. tasks and select Run.
Axis 2299488 Upgrading the firmware of an Axis camera using the IPv6 address is not supported.
Workaround: Use the IPv4 address to update the firmware.

Known issues found in Security Center 5.8

Solution/Unit Issue First reported in Description
ALPR 1938549 5.8 GA When you create a transfer group, you cannot add video units that are under Sharp units as sources.
Workaround: To transfer from all video units under the Sharp unit, in the Transfer group properties dialog box, select the area that the Sharp units with video configured are associated with. This area must also have IP cameras under it.
ALPR 1860225 5.8 GA The Reads/hits per day report might be off by 1 day when reporting on a federated site in a different time zone.
ALPR 1829435 5.8 GA When sorted by descending timestamp, the Reads report and the Hits report return the first results from the database that match the search criteria, instead of the most recent ones.
ALPR 1760241 5.8 GA In the Reads report, filtering results on an empty user group returns all results instead of none.patrolle
ALPR 1244123 5.8 GA Patroller Plate Link: Hits report displays the patroller that made the first read instead of the patroller that enforced the hit.
Web Client 1825562 5.8 GA When a user password is changed in Security Desk, Config Tool, or Web Client, the user is not disconnected from Web Client.