ALPR enhancements in Security Center - Security Center

Security Center Release Notes

Security Center
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Release notes
Last updated

Security Center includes the following automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) enhancements.

General enhancements

Add multiple entries to a hotlist
You can now update a hotlist in Security Desk by importing content from a CSV or TXT file that is stored locally on the computer or on a network drive. You can select the rows that you need to import and bind the column names in the file to the attribute names in the Security Center. For more information, see Editing hotlists.
The Import from file page in Security Desk showing importing hotlist entries from a CSV file.
Set hit retention for individual hotlists
In addition to the existing retention period settings in the ALPR Manager configuration, you can now set a hit retention period for individual hotlists. This capability can help your system conform with local privacy policies that might only apply to certain hotlists. The system warns you if there is a conflict between the two retention settings. For more information, see Creating hotlists.
The Properties page for Creating a hotlist in Config Tool with the Hotlist retention and Hit number of days highlighted.
Set a maximum expiry date for license plates in a hotlist
If you make ExpiryDate a mandatory attribute for a hotlist, you can now set the Expires after duration, which limits the expiry date that can be set for plates in the hotlist. For example, if you set the hotlist Expires after setting to 10 days, you cannot add a license plate that expires in more than 10 days. The system notifies you if a plate’s expiry date exceeds the maximum expiry date set for the hotlist. For more information, see Configuring hotlist and permit attributes.
The Edit a hotlist attribute page in Config Tool with the Expires after option highlighted.
User privilege for modifying ALPR retention periods
A new administrative privilege allows users to configure how long license plate data is stored in the ALPR Manager. You can enable the administrative privilege Modify ALPR Manager retention periods in the Privileges page of the User management task. For more information, see About privileges.
Edit additional license plate read details
When you edit a license plate read in Security Desk, you can now modify most of the vehicle metadata in the read. This can include vehicle make, type, color, and many other details. For more information, see Editing license plate reads.
Create a copy of edited license plate reads
When a license plate read is edited in Security Desk, the system can now create a copy of the original read. You can enable this feature in the General settings > Applications page of the ALPR Manager task. If a read has been edited, a check mark is displayed in the Reads report Edited column.
The Security Desk settings page in ALPR Applications in Config Tool with the option to create a copy of an edited read highlighted.
Search for license plate reads in recurring intervals
A new Advanced timestamps filter is available in the Reads report. The filter lets you search for repeatedly detected vehicles. For example, if recent vehicle break-ins seem to occur every Friday night, you can generate a report for vehicles that are detected in the area on Fridays between 6:00 pm and midnight. If you select Common plates, the report shows only vehicles that were detected every Friday night in the time range. For more information, see Investigating reported license plate reads.
The Advanced timestamps filter in the Reads report in Security Desk.
Search conditions for license plate reads and hits
When using the Search conditions filter in Reads and Hits reports, you can now make comparisons for greater/less than, greater/less than or equal to, in, and not in. These supplement the existing comparison predicates (equal to, not equal to, contains, and does not contain). For more information, see Filtering a report with search conditions.

AutoVu Cloudrunnerâ„¢ enhancements

Icons for Cloudrunner cameras
When selecting the cameras that send license plate reads to Security Center, icons now show you if the camera is a CR-H2 (), SharpV (), or third-party () camera.
Moving Cloudrunner cameras
You can now move a Cloudrunner camera to a new ALPR Manager role. Clear the camera checkbox in the old ALPR Manager role and select the checkbox in the new ALPR Manager role. This removes the need to manually delete the camera from the old ALPR Manager. For more information, see Adding a Cloudrunner camera to the ALPR manager.