Browser speeds for Security Center 5.11 Web Client - Security Center 5.11

Security Center System Requirements Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
System requirements
Last updated

How quickly video loads and PTZ cameras respond depends on many factors, including the decoding latency of your web browser. In addition, not all browsers support high-quality H.264 video. To ensure that your videos load in Web Client as quickly as possible, choose a browser that supports H.264 and that has the lowest latency.

Browser latency is the average amount of time that it takes a browser to decode and display a video frame.

The latency of a browser is just one of the factors that affects how close to real-time a live video plays; how quickly video loads in a tile when you play, rewind, fast forward and play in slow motion; and how responsive PTZ cameras are to commands. Other factors that affect the speed at which video loads include the processing power of your computer and the Security Center servers, and the latency of the network between you, the Security Center system, and the cameras.

Typically, most browsers decode MJPEG streams within 300 ms. However, only some browsers can decode H.264 streams, and the latency of these browsers varies.

The following table compares the time that it takes some common browsers to load H.264 video in a single tile of the Web Client Monitoring task.

Browser that supports H.264 Browser latency for H.264 stream
Google Chrome 300 ms
Mozilla Firefox
NOTE: If you do not see high-quality (H.264) video in your Firefox browser, make sure that H.264/avc3 on the media source extension is enabled.
300 ms to 800 ms
Microsoft Edge Legacy 3 seconds

Some browsers cannot decode H.264 video. If Web Client detects that your browser does not support H.264 streams, it displays the video anyway, but as a lower quality MJPEG stream. So, if you need to display high-quality video in Web Client, choose a web browser that supports H.264.

NOTE: Web Client always switches from H.264 to MJPEG in the following cases:
  • When controlling a PTZ camera
  • When playing video in slow motion, rewind, and fast forward.