Maximum number of units supported in Security Center 5.11 Unit Assistant Role batch operations - Security Center 5.11

Security Center System Requirements Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
System requirements
Last updated

To ensure optimal performance, do not exceed the maximum number of video and access control units supported in Security Center 5.11 Unit Assistant Role (UAR) batch operations.

Some operations, like password change and certificate updates for a camera or an access control unit, introduce unit reconnection. It is recommended to plan these operations to occur during non-critical periods.

By default, the role runs on the server hosting the Directory and into Video Unit Control agents running on Archiver servers. It mainly uses CPU resources along with some network and disk resources.

IMPORTANT: Monitor server CPU usage if normal usage is already high to ensure UAR operation does not introduce undesirable impacts.

The maximum number of units supported by each server type in Security Center and later is as follows:

Server Type Recommended High-performance
Directory & UAR 5.11

(Passwords and certificates)


(Passwords and certificates)

Passwords Certificates Passwords Certificates
  • Batch of 10,000 units
  • CPU usage increased over 80% during operation
  • No impact on system


  • Batch of 10,000 units
  • Low CPU increase
  • No impact on system
  • Batch of 1,000 units
  • Low CPU increase
  • No impact on system
Access control:
  • Batch of 100 units
  • Low CPU increase
  • No impact on system to

(Video and access control passwords) to

(Video and access control passwords)

  • Batch of 3,000 units
  • CPU usage increased over 80% during operation
  • No impact on system
  • Batch of 7,000 units
  • Low CPU increase
  • No impact on system

(Video passwords only)

(Video passwords only)

  • Batch of 1,000 units
  • CPU usage increased over 80% during operation
  • No impact on system
  • Batch of 1,000 units
  • Low CPU increase
  • No impact on system
Archiver & UAR Agents Same as maximum number of units recommended for Archivers. Same as maximum number of units recommended for Archivers.