Configuring volume management with ALPR cameras - Security Center Transportation Sensor Management 2.3

Security Center Transportation Sensor Management Plugin Guide 2.3

Applies to
Security Center Transportation Sensor Management 2.3
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Security Center Transportation Sensor Management

By integrating ALPR (Automatic License Plate Recognition) cameras into Security Center using the Transportation Sensor Management plugin, you can monitor the volume of areas and configure alarms for capacity thresholds.


  1. For every ALPR camera, create a TSS entity, and add inbound and outbound zones for every point of entry.
  2. Create an instrumented area used to calculate volume.
    NOTE: This means you should set the instrumented area's Mode option to Reflective, and add inbound zones.

After you finish

Using the Instrumented area volume report, you can monitor the volume of people entering the instrumented area on a periodic interval.