Occupancy and volume management - Security Center Transportation Sensor Management 2.3

Security Center Transportation Sensor Management Plugin Guide 2.3

Applies to
Security Center Transportation Sensor Management 2.3
Last updated
Content type
Guides > Plugin and extension guides
Security Center Transportation Sensor Management

The plugin can monitor how many objects are in an instrumented area using one of two methods: occupancy and volume.


An instrumented area calculates occupancy by monitoring inbound and outbound TSS zones. Objects that traverse these zones are, respectively, added or subtracted to the area occupancy.

An instrumented area monitoring for occupancy must have inbound and outbound TSS zones, and be set to Cumulative mode.

The following sensor types can be used to calculate occupancy:
  • License plate recognition cameras(LPR)
  • Video analytics (monitoring line crossing detection)
  • GPIO (ground loop or other vehicle detection devices)
  • Radar and Lidar
For example, in a parking lot (represented by an instrumented area in Cumulative mode), each entry point is an inbound TSS zone, and each exit point is an outbound TSS zone. When a vehicle enters the parking lot, the occupancy increases by 1; when a vehicle leaves the parking lot, the occupancy decreases by 1. The occupancy of the instrumented area is calculated by accumulating counts from all associated zones.


An instrumented area calculates volume by monitoring whether its zones are occupied.

An instrumented area monitoring for volume must have inbound TSS zones and be set to Reflective mode.

The following sensor types can be used to calculate volume:
  • Video analytics (monitoring zone occupancy detection)
  • GPIO (ground loop or other vehicle detection devices)
For example, in a parking lot (represented by an instrumented area in Reflective mode), each parking spot is a TSS zone. When a space is occupied, its count is 1; when it is empty, its count is 0. The volume of the parking lot is calculated by adding the current count of all of its parking spots, reflecting whether each space is occupied or not.