Creating traffic networks in the Travel Times Engine - Travel Times 12.4

Security Center Travel Times User Guide 12.4

Applies to
Travel Times 12.4
Last updated
Content type
Guides > User guides
Travel Times

Before you can monitor travel time data in the Travel Times Engine, you must create a traffic network. Traffic networks are logical groupings of nodes, links, and routes that are used to monitor vehicle traffic.

What you should know

  • A Travel time organization typically have multiple districts, each with its own traffic network and associated detectors, nodes, and traffic routes.
  • Traffic links and traffic routes can span more than one traffic network.


  1. From the Travel Times Engine web page, hover over the Admin menu, and select Traffic networks.
    The Traffic networks page is displayed.
  2. Hover over the Traffic network menu and click Add traffic network ().
  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the traffic network.
  4. Center the map on your network's area.
  5. Click OK.
    The new traffic network is displayed in the Traffic networks list, in alphabetical order.

After you finish

Create nodes