Creating traffic routes in the Travel Times Engine - Travel Times 12.4

Security Center Travel Times User Guide 12.4

Applies to
Travel Times 12.4
Last updated
Content type
Guides > User guides
Travel Times

Before you can monitor travel time data in the Travel Times Engine, you must add traffic routes with associated paths to your traffic network. Traffic routes are logical sequences of one or more traffic links. Travel Times are calculated based on traffic routes.

Before you begin

Create traffic links

What you should know

  • Traffic routes can be made up of many different paths.
  • Path scores are calculated using one of two methods:
    • For native travel time calculations, the system accords a higher score if the path has more data points.
    • For third-party APIs, the system accords a score of 100 when the API is first called. The score decreases over time until the API is called again.
  • Creating traffic routes using data providers other than Google Maps and Azure Maps might require configuration steps not documented in this guide.


  1. From the Travel Times Engine web page, hover over the Admin menu, and select Traffic routes.
    The Traffic routes page is displayed.
  2. Hover over the Traffic routes menu and click Add traffic route ().
  3. Add your traffic route by configuring the following settings:
    Short Name
    Enter a name for the traffic route.
    Best Practice: It is best practice to include the traffic route's geographic location: for instance, the direction and street names of the traffic route's endpoint nodes.
    Enter a description for the traffic route. This can match or provide additional details on the information entered in the Short Name.
    Owning Travel time organization
    Select the Travel time organization that owns the traffic link.
    Traffic network
    Select the traffic network for where your traffic route is found.
    Set the type of traffic that the traffic route monitors. This acts as a tag for the traffic route.
    NOTE: The usual settings is Travel.
    Never faster than free flow
    If enabled, the travel time is never shown as faster than the free-flowing traffic travel time.
    Use queue mode
    If enabled, unless downstream traffic links are moving very slowly, delays on upstream traffic links are ignored . This is useful in queuing situations, such as tool booths or border crossing inspection lanes.
    If the traffic route contains multiple road segments and a detector goes down, the Engine uses other segments to calculate travel time.
    Path strategy
    Set the main path to use in travel time calculations.
    Uses the main path.
    If the primary path fails, uses another path.
    Calculates an average from the configured paths.
    Best score
    Uses the path with the current highest score.
    Minimum path score
    Set the minimum required path score. If all paths on the traffic route are below this value, then the travel time and score of the primary path are used.
  4. Click OK.
    The Traffic route details page is displayed. The traffic route is created and is inactive.
  5. Hover over the Paths menu and click Change paths ().
  6. Create paths for the traffic route by doing the following:
    1. On the Edit paths page, click Add path ().
    2. In the Path description field, enter a name for the path, and click OK.
  7. Add traffic links to the path by repeating the following steps as needed:
    1. On the Edit paths page, in the row for your path, click Edit traffic links ().
    2. On the Edit traffic links for path page, click Add traffic link ().
    3. In the Select traffic link field, search for the traffic link you want to add to your path.
      NOTE: By default, this field only searches for traffic links in the traffic network associated with the traffic route. To search for traffic links in all your traffic networks, select Search all traffic links.
    4. Select the traffic link and click OK.
  8. Configure the order of the traffic links using the Move up() and Move down () buttons.
  9. Click Done, then click OK.
  10. On the Traffic route details page, hover over the General menu and click Change general settings().
  11. Select Active and click OK.
    The traffic route and its paths are active.