Node types in the Travel Times Engine - Travel Times 12.4

Security Center Travel Times User Guide 12.4

Applies to
Travel Times 12.4
Last updated
Content type
Guides > User guides
Travel Times

Nodes can be added to a traffic link according to various node types. Traffic links must contain at least one source and one destination node.

Source nodes
A vehicle starts a potential traversal when it is detected at a source node on the traffic link.
Destination nodes
A vehicle finishes a potential traversal when it is detected at a destination node on the traffic link.
Deduction nodes
A vehicle that is detected by a deduction node will be ignored in any traversals for the traffic link.
Root nodes
A vehicle must be detected at all root nodes before reaching a source node to be considered eligible to traverse the traffic link.
Waypoint nodes
A vehicle must be detected at all waypoint nodes before reaching a destination node, or the destination node detection will be ignored. If the vehicle is detected again at the destination node after being detected at all waypoint nodes, then the vehicle can be counted as a complete traversal.
Passive node
A node that does not provide detection data. These are used at the ends of traffic links whose travel times are imported from external data providers, like Google or Azure.