The timeline appears below the video image in canvas tiles.
With the video timeline you can do the following:
- Move the timeline window to the left or to the right by clicking on the timeline itself and dragging it either left or right.
- Shrink or widen the timeline by hovering your mouse pointer over the timeline and turning your mouse wheel.
A | White background indicates that a recording is present. |
B | Black background indicates that no recording was made at that time. |
C | Green motion bars. The bigger the bar, the more motion is present. |
D | Orange ribbon icon indicates the presence of a bookmark. Mousing over the bookmark displays the associated text and time stamp. |
E | Orange bar at the top of the timeline indicates video that has been cached (buffered) on your workstation’s hard drive. |
F | Playback cursor. Drag cursor to playback a different point on the timeline. |
G | Playback timestamp. Click to toggle between relative and absolute time. |
H | Timeline duration/scale. Hover your mouse pointer and scroll the mouse wheel to zoom in or out on the scale of the timeline. |
I | Purple background indicates the future. |
Watch this video to learn more. Click the Captions icon (CC) to turn on video captions in one of the available languages.