Creating a dashboard - Security Center 5.10

Security Center User Guide 5.10

Security Center
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Guides > User guides
Last updated

You can create custom dashboards and save them as public tasks or private tasks in Security Desk.

Before you begin

To create a dashboard, users must have the following privileges:
  • Modify dashboards
  • Manage private tasks or Add public tasks

Specific widgets might require privileges of their own. For more information, refer to Standard dashboard widgets.


  1. In Security Desk, open the Dashboards task.
  2. On the Select dashboard screen, click Create.
  3. Provide a name for your new dashboard and save it as a private task or a public task.
    An empty dashboard is created.
  4. Click Add widgets.
    The dashboard canvas opens with the available widgets shown in the Widgets palette.
  5. Populate the dashboard by dragging and dropping widgets from the palette to the canvas.
    Tip: You can perform a search for the widget you are looking for.

    By default, all changes to the dashboard layout and widget configuration are saved automatically. To disable this behavior, deselect auto-save in the dashboard menu.

    For each widget, you can do the following:

    • Move the widget into position and resize it as needed.

      The widget frame will snap to the grid lines on the canvas. Widgets can overlap. You can place a widget in front of others () or behind ().

    • In the widget-specific options, set what the widget displays.
    • In the general options, configure the look and behavior of the widget. These options include the widget title, background color, and whether or not the data refreshes automatically.

    Counts, charts, reports, and web pages must be refreshed to show the latest information. Dashboard widgets can be refreshed manually or on an interval. An auto refresh interval can be specified per widget, or once for the entire dashboard in the dashboard Options.

  6. After populating your dashboard with widgets, click Done.


Your dashboard layout is ready for use. Public dashboards are available to all users who have the View dashboards and View public tasks privileges. Private dashboards are only available to the current user.

After you finish

To access your dashboard, you can select it in the Dashboards task, or open it directly with the associated public task or private task.