Customizing user logon options in Security Desk - Security Center 5.10

Security Center User Guide 5.10

Security Center
Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

You can select how and when users are allowed to log on to Security Center.

What you should know

You must be an administrator to configure the logon options. The settings apply to the local workstation, and affect Security Desk and Config Tool for all users. Changes only take effect the next time a user starts Security Desk or Config Tool.


  1. From the home page in Config Tool, click Options > General.
  2. To force users to log on using Windows credentials, set the Use Windows credentials option to Always.
    For this option to work, the users who are expected to log on using this computer must be imported from an Active Directory.For more information about importing users from a corporate Active Directory, see Importing security groups from an Active Directory.
  3. To restrict the access of all users to a specific Directory, select the Force Directory to option, and type the name of the Directory.
    With this option, users cannot choose the Directory to which they want to connect; the Directory field is not displayed in the Logon window. However, they can automatically be redirected to another Directory when load balancing is used.
    NOTE: If there is a mistake in the Directory name (for example, a typo), then the next time users try to log on, they will not be able to connect.

  4. To bypass Directory load balancing, select the Prevent connection redirection to different Directory servers option.
    Users will connect to the default Directory or to the Directory they specify when logging on, and will not be automatically redirected to another server. This option is meaningful only if Directory load balancing is configured.
  5. Click Save.
  6. To lock the user's session after a period of inactivity, switch the Auto lock option to ON, and select how long the session must remain inactive before being locked.
    This option only applies to Security Desk. Before being locked, the message Session is about to lock is displayed to the user. After the application is locked, the user must log back on to resume with the current session.
    NOTE: If the user is authenticated through ADFS with passive authentication, the user will be logged off and their current session closed instead of being locked.