To investigate multiple license plates simultaneously in a report, you can enter the list of license plates using a delimiter in the license plate filter.
Before you begin
What you should know
- Semi-colon (;)
- Comma (,)
- Carriage Return Line Feed (\r\n)
Limitation: You might experience slow search speeds in the following conditions:
- You use a combination of wildcards on every license plate number entered.
- You have a huge volume of records to scan through for the selected time range. For example, you have selected a six month time period and the database has nearly half a million records that correspond to that time period.
Following examples illustrate various ways to filter a report with multiple license plates:
1. Full license plate: In this example, a comma delimiter separates multiple
complete license plate numbers.
2. Full plate with wildcard: In this example, the license plate numbers have
wildcards and are separated with a carriage return line feed delimiter.
3. Partial plate: In this example, a semi colon delimiter separates multiple partial
license plate numbers.