You can control your tiles and the entities displayed in tiles using commands in the tile menu.
Some commands always appear, and other contextual commands change depending on the entity type displayed in the tile. The following table lists the commands available from the tile menu:
Command | Description | |
Camera | Commands related to video surveillance. The other camera commands are listed in the camera widget. | |
Auxiliary recording | If the camera is controlled by an Auxiliary Archiver, manually start recording on the Auxiliary Archiver by clicking the record button () next to the Auxiliary Archiver role name. | |
Protect video from deletion | Prevent the current video recording from being deleted due to the Archiver role's disk space constraints. This command is only available when video content is displayed in the tile. | |
Remove privacy protection | Displays the confidential (Private) video stream that contains the original video from the video unit and the video content is not blurred or masked. | |
Reinstate privacy protection | Displays the public video stream that contains privacy-protected blurred content with video anonymization applied. This ensures that all regular access to video will always access the blurred video. | |
Block | Prevent users from viewing the selected video stream. This command is only available when video content is displayed in the tile. | |
Unblock | Allow users to view the selected video stream. This command is only available when video content is displayed in the tile. | |
Select live stream | Select the camera’s video stream to be displayed in the current tile. By default, the Live stream is displayed. This commands is only available when live video is displayed in the tile and the video unit supports multiple streams. | |
Select video playback source | Select which archiving source (Archiver, Auxiliary Archivers, Cloud storage) to view the playback video from. For example, if you want to view a specific resolution, frame rate, or video stream, you can select the Archiver that is configured to record with those settings. By default, All sources is displayed. This command is only available when playback video is displayed in the tile. | |
Commands | Select additional camera-specific commands, such as play audio clip, turn on white light, auto focus, and so on. These contextual camera command are currently supported on some Axis, Panasonic, and Bosch cameras. | |
Monitoring | Monitor alarms | Select to turn alarm monitoring on and off for the tile. A blue check mark indicates that alarm monitoring is turned on. |
Monitor events | Select to turn event monitoring on and off for the tile. A blue check mark indicates that event monitoring is turned on. | |
Investigate | Click to open an Investigation task based on the selected entity. That entity will already be selected in the report query filters. | |
Report an incident | Create an incident report for something you see happening in the tile. | |
Start incident recording | Start recording the video related to every entity that is placed in the tile (cameras, areas, doors, cardholders, and so on), to create a incident report package. | |
Maximize tile | Expand the current tile to fill the canvas. Hides all other tiles. | |
Maximize tile fullscreen | Hide the area view and controls, and make the current tile fill the canvas. Forces the tile to be displayed in full screen mode. | |
Navigate | Back | Show previous tile content. |
Forward | Show next tile content. | |
Home | Show initial tile content. | |
Refresh | Refresh tile content. | |
Add to dashboard | For Security Center entities only. Adds the entity to a dashboard as a Tile widget. | |
Share | Display the entity and the video of its associated cameras in a monitoring tile of other local users, with the option to include a message. | |
Clear all | Empty all content from tiles. |