When you want to investigate a report using complex search criteria, you can use search condition filter to create the desired conditions.
Using logical operators and groups, you can add the required search
conditions as filters in the following Security Desk reports:
- Hits report
- Reads report
Logical operators
Logical operators are symbols or words that combine two or more search criteria in a compound expression to evaluate all reads and display the desired results:-
AND: If each search criteria in the compound expression needs to be fulfilled,
you use AND operator. For example, when you only want to investigate vehicles that
are Suzuki passenger vehicles in the report, you use AND operator to set up
the filter condition.
OR: If any one of the criteria in the compound expression needs to be fulfilled,
you use OR operator. For example, when you want to investigate vehicles that are
Suzuki or Black in the report, you use OR operator to set up the
filter condition.
XOR: If only one of the criteria in the compound expression needs to be
fulfilled, you use XOR operator. For example, when you want to investigate vehicles
that are either Black or Dark Blue but not both in the report, you use
XOR operator to set up the filter condition.