Adding records on maps - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

If your software license supports Record caching, you can add records to preconfigured record types, such as Accidents, Arrests, Emergency calls, and so on, by right-clicking on the map. If the selected record type has georeferencing data, the record you add is automatically tagged with the location you clicked.

What you should know

In Security Center, a record type defines the data format and display properties of a set of records that you can share across the entire system through the Record Fusion Service role.

The records you add can be used to enhance you and your peers' awareness and response, and provide contextual information on maps. You can also visualize this data on your dashboards.


  1. Open the Maps task.
  2. Right-click on the map where you want to tag your record with and select Add new data on map.
    The Add new data dialog box opens, and the location you clicked is indicated.
  3. If you have more than one record type defined in your system, select the type you want to add the record to.
    NOTE: If the selected record type is not georeferenced, you can still add records to it, but you cannot view your record on the map.
  4. Enter the rest of the information required by your record type.
    Adding new data on map
  5. (Optional) Manually enter the values for the ID and timestamp of the record.
    The record ID and timestamp correspond to the fields assigned respectively to the ID and Timestamp functions in the record type definition. By default, the system generates a random unique value for the ID and uses the current time as the timestamp.

    You can click Advanced and enter the ID and timestamp values manually. For more information, see Defining the record format.

  6. Click Send.
    The new record is added.

    If the record type is configured to raise an event when data is added, a new map object for the record type is displayed on the map where you clicked. If not, the only way to view the record you added is to use the Unified report investigation task.