Blocking users from viewing video - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

If something critical occurs during a video capture and must be made inaccessible to certain users, you can restrict certain user levels from viewing a segment or entire video by blocking the camera.

Before you begin

Do the following:
  • Make sure you have the Block and Unblock video user privilege.
  • Make sure that the camera you want to block is not from a federated Omnicast™ system.

What you should know

You can block a camera that is displaying live or playback video in a tile from any Security Desk task. You can also block and unblock cameras, and view the current block status of a camera from the System status task.


To block video in Security Desk:

  1. Select a camera displayed in a tile.
  2. Right click the tile, and then select Camera > Block ().
  3. In the Start option, select the date and time to start blocking the video.
  4. In the End option, select the duration of video to be blocked:
    The video is blocked from users until the selected date and time.
    The video is blocked from users for the selected time (days, hours, minutes, or seconds).
    All video from the Start time onward (including new recordings) is blocked from users until you manually unblock the camera.
  5. From the User level slider, select a minimum user level.
    NOTE: The highest user level is 1 and the lowest user level is 253.
  6. Click OK.
    All users with a user level lower than the one you select are blocked from viewing the video. Users that have a higher or equal user level can see that the camera is blocked by the dashes shown on the tile’s timeline.
  7. To unblock the camera, right-click inside the tile and click Camera > Unblock ().
    NOTE: To unblock a certain part of playback video, you must select the section of the timeline and right-click from there.

To block or unblock cameras from the System Status task:

  1. Select Cameras from the Monitor list.
  2. Filter to the camera you want to block.
  3. Select the desired camera in the report pane.
  4. To block the camera, click Block ().
  5. To unblock the camera, click Unblock ().