The Camera widget appears in the Controls pane when the currently selected tile is displaying a camera.
The buttons displayed in the camera widget change depending on the task you are performing, and the camera type. For example, if the camera displayed in the tile is streaming live video, you find one set of buttons. If the camera displayed in the tile is playing back a recording, some of the buttons change. If the camera supports audio, the audio buttons appear, otherwise, they are grayed out.
The following two images show the camera widget when live video with no audio is selected in a tile, and when playback video with audio is selected in a tile.
The camera widget commands are described below:
Button | Command | Description |
Jump backward 1 | Jump backward. Each click of this button forces the recording playback to jump backwards by 15 seconds. You can configure this value from the Options dialog box. |
Rewind 1 | Reverse the playback. Each click of this button adjusts the reverse playback speed from - 1x to -2x, -4x, -6x, -8x, -10x, -20x, -40x, -100x. Click the Play button to revert playback to 1x (normal speed) in the forward direction. |
Previous frame 1 | Reverse the video by one frame. You can also use the jog wheel to achieve the same result. This button is only available when the video is paused. |
Pause 1 | Pause the playback at the current frame. |
Play 1 | Play back the recording at normal speed (1x). |
Next frame 1 | Advance the video by one frame. You can also use the jog wheel to achieve the same result. This button is only available when the video is paused. |
Forward 1 | Fast forward the playback. Each click of this button increases the playback speed from 1x to 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 100x. Click the Play button to revert playback to normal speed (1x). |
Jump forward 1 | Jump forward. Each click of this button forces the recording playback to jump forward by 15 seconds. You can configure this value from the Options dialog box. |
Switch to live 1 | Switch the displayed images from playback to live video. |
Recording on | (Solid red) The camera is currently recording. Click to stop recording. |
Recording on | (Blinking red) The camera is currently recording, but almost at the end of it’s manual recording duration (30 seconds remaining). Click to reset timer for another five minutes. |
Recording on (locked by system) | The camera is currently recording, and is controlled by a system configuration. You cannot click to stop recording. |
Recording off | The camera is not currently recording. Click to start recording. The recording
stops automatically after five minutes. You can also stop the recording
manually. If the camera is also controlled by an Auxiliary Archiver, you can
manually start recording on the Auxiliary Archiver by right-clicking the recording
state button, selecting Auxiliary recording, and then
clicking the record button ( |
Recording off (locked by system) | The camera is not currently recording, and is controlled by a system configuration. You cannot click to start recording. |
Recording problem | There is a problem recording the camera. The problem might be due to an error writing to disk, an error writing to the Archiver database, or the fact that the camera is not streaming video when it should. If you see this error, contact your system Administrator to resolve the issue. |
Slow motion 1 | Switch between normal playback speed (1x) and slow motion (1/8x). While in slow motion mode, click the Forward or Rewind button to change the playback speed from 1/8x to 1/4x, 1/3x, 1/2x, in either direction. |
Loop playback |
Create a looped playback. When you click this button, two
timeline markers ( |
Speed slider | Drag the slider to the right to accelerate playback to 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 100x. Drag the slider to the left to force reverse playback at -2x, -4x, -6x, -8x, -10x, -20x, -40x, -100x speeds. |
Speed slider (limited) | Same as the speed slider above except that reverse playback is limited to: -10x, -20x, -40x, -100x. The limited speed slider is used on federated Omnicast™ 4.x cameras that do not support all rewind speeds2. |
Jog wheel | Replaces the speed slider when the video is paused. Use it for frame by frame playback both forwards and backwards. |
Go to specific time 1 | Open a browser window, and jump to a precise date and time in the recording. |
Quick search | Opens the Quick search dialog box. |
Enable visual tracking 1 | Follow an individual or object that is moving across different cameras from the same tile. |
Export video 1 | Create stand-alone video files that can be played without being connected to the Security Center Directory. |
Save a snapshot 1 | Save the current video frame as an image file. |
Previous bookmark 1 | Jump to the previous bookmark. |
Add a bookmark 1 | Add a bookmark to the video. |
Next bookmark 1 | Jump to the next bookmark. |
Listen 1 | Enable the speaker. This button is only available when the camera supports audio. |
Stop listening 1 | Disable the speaker. This button is only available when the camera supports audio. |
Talk 1 | Enable the microphone. This button is only available when the camera supports audio. |
Stop talking | Disable the microphone. This button is only available when the camera supports audio. |
Toggle digital zoom | Apply a 2x digital zoom to the image. Further digital zoom adjustments can then be performed within the tile. |
Show stream properties | Display the properties of the selected video stream. |
Digital zoom presets | When digital zoom is applied to the selected tile, click this button to add a digital zoom preset for the current camera image position. |
1 If you hold Ctrl+Shift when clicking the command, the command applies to all cameras displayed in the canvas.
2 Please note Omnicast 4.8 has reached End of Life. For more information, see the Genetec™ Product Lifecyle page.
Watch this video to learn more. Click the Captions icon (CC) to turn on video captions in one of the available languages.