Configuring a custom sort order for report results - Security Center 5.11

Security Center User Guide 5.11

Security Center
Content type
Guides > User guides
Last updated

To help you organize your report results, you can configure a custom sort order where the results are sorted by multiple column.

What you should know

Security Center reports contain multiple columns that can be sorted together. Configuring and applying a custom sort order lets you analyze the information in a more intuitive way.


  1. Right-click any column heading and select Sort by.
  2. In the Sort by dialog box, configure the sorting criteria:
    1. In the Sort by field, select the primary column you want to sort by.
    2. Choose a sorting direction for this column: Ascending or Descending.
    3. In the Then by field, select the next column to sort by.
    4. Choose a sorting direction for this column: Ascending or Descending.
    5. To add any additional columns, click Select columns and repeat the previous two substeps.
  3. Click Apply.


The report results are organized according to your custom sort order, and a blue sorting arrow shows in the header of every column included in your sorting criteria.
NOTE: The custom sorting is preserved when you save the task. However, clicking on any column header overrides the custom sorting and sorts on the single column that you clicked.